This video is testament to how melodies and lyrics lurk in our brains, ready to be released at the sound of a few notes — lifting our spirits, connecting us with our fellow human beings and evoking deeply buried memories as powerful as anything in the human experience.
What draws people to singing, and the benefits it brings, have been the subject of research for centuries. But only in the past few decades has the evidence come together on how and why singing improves health and wellbeing. “This is a really burgeoning topic,” said Daisy Fancourt, a professor of psychobiology and epidemiology at University College London. “And in recent years, there’s been a real elucidation of the mechanisms.”
Do you get nervous before a performance? a competition? walking into a rehearsal where you don't know anyone?!?
Luckily, according to Harvard Business Review, the right breathing exercises can help us learn to calm our physiological responses to stress and equip us to better handle anxiety and manage negative emotions. Read more here!
A growing body of research indicates that music can be a form of therapy — especially singing with others — to improve your mental health. But it’s absolutely okay if you are not the next American Idol.
"Music therapy addresses symptoms across a wide range of illnesses, including chronic pain, anxiety disorders, cancer and lung diseases like asthma, COPD and COVID-19," said Joanne V. Loewy, director of The Louis Armstrong Center for Music and Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. "It also benefits the pediatric population and the very young in neonatal care."
Betty Reid Soskin recently retired at 100 as the oldest National Park Service ranger. But this achievement is just one of many during her multifaceted career. She said, "I think that music has the power to change anything, because I could sing things that I couldn't say."
Any music lover may tell you that bopping along to your favorite song is a surefire way to feel better, but a scientific review published in JAMA concludes that music’s benefit to mental health is actually comparable to that of exercise. In other words — singing your heart out in the shower could be as good for your mind as a jog around the block. While that alone may thrill those who don’t love the gym, music therapists note broader implications.
Former Pride of Portland member Dawn Wright, age 62, passed peacefully on Sunday, August 7, 2022, leaving behind a loving family.
Nothing meant more to Dawn than music and family, and she had a big heart for both. Dawn sang with several Sweet Adelines choruses: Pride of Portland, Northwest Harmony, and Oregon Spirit, where she was an Assistant Director. As bass section leader, she was often asked to lead parts of rehearsals or warmups. Her quartet, Roadshow, really rocked the house!
Watch this heartwarming--and sometimes heartbreaking--60 Minutes clip about Tony Bennett. Under the throes of Alzheimer's, Tony might not remember your name, but boy, he can still--at 95--sing the pants off a song. His physician also explains the amazing hold music has over Alzheimer patients. Singing can, indeed, keep you young at heart. To watch the video, click here:
Masks especially created for singing. Wristbands signaling comfort with hugs, or closeness. Rethinking the meaning of worship, or fellowship.
Do you ever say "I can't sing, I wish I could sing?" Would you describe yourself as tone deaf? We hear those sorts of comments a lot at Pride of Portland when approaching possible guests. Reknown a cappella star, Deke Sharon, is here with a great video to refute that! (And remember, a huge part of singing with our chorus is all the educational opportunities and information you'll receive each week at our rehearsals!) Watch more >>