Meet Pride of Portland Chorus
Who are we? We are a force of nature, a wall of sound, a stream of musical consciousness that reaches in and jars something elemental inside you. We are shimmering softs and thundering louds, delicate diminuendos and soaring crescendos. We are singers, dancers, and actresses: flirty and fierce, mischievous and mannered, bashful and bold. We are Pride of Portland.
Pride's signature sound is a blend of energy, artistry and finesse that will sweep you off your feet and transport you to another place and time. We are the best and brightest assemblage of a cappella singers the region has to offer. We are also the first Sweet Adelines chorus ever invited to audition for America's Got Talent!
What does it mean to be part of the Pride?
-- To become a Pride of Portland Sweet Adeline is to become a consummate performer and seasoned competitor. Our specialty is barbershop but we dabble in all things a cappella. Once you see us perform, one thing becomes perfectly clear: barbershop is not a hobby. It's a calling.
-- To step up onto the risers for the first time is to step into a whole new world of ringing chords and sparkling overtones. It begins a journey of personal growth and instant sisterhood. The coaching, the choreography, the musical education - it's only the half of it. Nothing compares to the feeling of standing side by side with one hundred of your closest friends, creating a unit sound that visibly moves an audience.
-- To be a part of that while making enduring friendships and memories that last a lifetime...pretty irresistible.
Intrigued? Take that first step. Join us! We are looking for real women, singing real harmony who want to have real fun. If YOU enjoy singing and dancing (a little or a lot), we invite you to join us at one of our rehearsals. Click here for more information. You won't regret it.
Just the facts, ma'am...
Pride of Portland Chorus is one of nearly 500 Sweet Adelines International choruses worldwide and is honored to be one of only a handful that consistently finish in the top ten at International competitions.
A perennial regional champion, we broke the prestigious 700 barrier in 2013, setting a record at the last Region 24 competition. At the 2014 international competition, we finished 4th in the world! We followed that up with another record-breaking score at the 2017 Region 13 contest to capture our eighth regional title, and in 2019, Pride once again became regional champions for the ninth consecutive time!
We attract a diverse, dynamic demographic from all walks of life, including dual members from other area choruses. We range in age from 16 to 70+, united by an unwavering devotion to a cappella harmony and the unique sisterhood that chorus life embodies. Women from both Oregon and Washington travel far and wide to stand on Pride's risers and perform with their sisters in harmony.
Why do members return, week after week? Besides the vocal instruction and energizing choreography? As one member put it, "Come for the music. Stay for the friends." Singing in a barbershop ensemble develops an unusually strong foundation with a common goal: to learn and grow as one, nurturing the individual until the parts are as great as the whole.
Looking for pulse-pounding tempos or soulful ballads? You've come to the right place. The chorus repertoire spans all musical genres, from barbershop standards to pop mash-ups, including golden oldies, jazz, blues, patriotic, gospel, show tunes and adult contemporary.
Enjoy your visit to our website.